SweetAlert2 ADDONA beautiful, responsive customizable, accessible (wai-aria) replacement for javascript's popup boxes with no dependencies


SweetAlert2 is a JavaScript library that helps us create alerts in our web applications. SweetAlert2 is a replacement for default JavaScript pop up boxes. It needs zero dependencies, is customizable, well structured, accessible (wai-aria) and responsive. It needs promise.js for IE11 support. It is currently not supported in IE10

Find in-depth, guidelines, tutorials and more on sweetalert2's Official Documentation

SweetAlert2 Examples

SweetAlert2 automatically centers itself on the page and looks great no matter if you're using a desktop computer, mobile or tablet. It's even highly customizeable, as you can see below!
1A basic messageTry me!
2 A title with a text underTry me!
3 A modal with a title, an error icon, a text, and a footerTry me!
4 A modal window with a long content inside:Try me!
5 Custom HTML description and buttons with ARIA labelsTry me!
6 A custom positioned dialogTry me!
7 A confirm dialog, with a function attached to the "Confirm"-button...Try me!
8 ... and by passing a parameter, you can execute something else for "Cancel".Try me!
9 A message with a custom image and CSS animation disabledTry me!
10 A message with custom width, padding, background and animated Nyan CatTry me!
11 A message with auto close timerTry me!
12 Right-to-left support for Arabic, Hebrew, and other RTL languagesTry me!
13 AJAX request exampleTry me!
14 Chaining modals (queue) exampleTry me!
15 Dynamic queue exampleTry me!
16 Timer functions exampleTry me!