Simple Toastr Alerts
You can use four different alert info, warning, success, and error
Alert with different color
use the class alert alert-*colors*
for dezier
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
Dissmissal Alert
add the button with close
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
Alert with image / icon
add the image / icon before content
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.

This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.
Alert with rounded corner
add the alert-rounded
class to the alert
This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.

This is an example top alert. You can edit what u wish.