Base Nav

The base .navcomponent is built with flexbox and provide a strong foundation for building all types of navigation components.

With Border

Use Class .wrap-borderwith your <nav>tag to wrap your nav with a border

Center Alignment

Use Class .justify-content-centerwith your <nav>tag to align your nav to center

End Alignment

Use Class .justify-content-endwith your <nav>tag to align your nav to end

Vertical nav

Roll your own navigation style by extending the base .nav component. All Bootstrap’s nav components are built on top of this by specifying additional styles.

Nav with Border

To wrap with border, use .wrap-borderclass.

Nav with Square Border

To wrap with square border, use .square-borderclass with .wrap-borderclass.

Nav with Divider

To add divider, use .dropdown-dividerclass to <li>