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Chat with Khelesh


Hi,how are you samim? 8:40 AM,Today
Hi Khalid i am good tnx how about you? 8:55 AM,Today
I am good too,thank you for your chat template 9:00 AM,Today
You are welcome 9:05 AM,Today
I am looking for your next templates 9:07 AM,Today
Ok,thank you have a good day 9:10 AM,Today
Bye,see you 9:12 AM,Today
Hi,how are you samim? 8:40 AM,Today
Hi Khalid i am good tnx how about you? 8:55 AM,Today
I am good too,thank you for your chat template 9:00 AM,Today
You are welcome 9:05 AM,Today
I am looking for your next templates 9:07 AM,Today
Ok,thank you have a good day 9:10 AM,Today
Bye,see you 9:12 AM,Today

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Outline Buttons

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Button Sizes

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Outline Button Sizes

add .btn-lg .btn-sm .btn-xsto change the style

Rounded Buttons

add .btn-roundedto change the style

Rounded outline Buttons

add .btn-roundedto change the style

Button Right icons

add .btn-icon-endto change the style

Button Left icons

add .btn-icon-startto change the style

Square Buttons

add .btn-squareto change the style

Square Outline Buttons

add .btn-squareto change the style

Rounded Button

add .btn-roundedto change the style

Rounded outline Buttons

add .btn-roundedto change the style

Buttons Transparent

Button transparent style

Buttons Transparent Light

Button transparent light style

Disabled Button

add disabled="disabled"to change the style

Socia icon Buttons with Name

add .btn-facebook,.btn-twitter,.btn-youtube...to change the style

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Select A Demo

Demo 1

Demo 2

Demo 3

Demo 4

Demo 5
*Note : This theme switcher is not part of product. It is only for demo. you will get all guideline in documentation. please check documentation.