
You can pass plugin options using data-options attribute. Please make sure to use valid json code.

Plugin DocsJSON Formatter

Code Example

<div class="stepper sw-main sw-theme-circles"   data-options='{   "useURLhash":true,   "theme":"sw-theme-circles",   "transitionEffect":"fade",   "toolbarSettings":{   "showNextButton":false,   "showPreviousButton":false   }   }'>   <ul class="nav step-anchor">      <li><a  class="circle" href="#step-1">1</a></li>      <li><a  class="circle"  href="#step-2">2</a></li>      <li><a  class="circle" href="#step-3">3</a></li>      <li><a  class="circle"  href="#step-4">4</a></li>   </ul>   <div class="card no-b  shadow">      <div id="step-1" class="card-body text-center p-5">         <h3 class="my-3">            Step 1         </h3>         <a href="#step-2" class="btn btn-primary mb-3 btn-lg">Go To Next Step</a>      </div>      <div id="step-2" class="card-body text-center p-5">         <h3 class="my-3">            Step 2         </h3>         <a href="#step-3" class="btn btn-primary mb-3 btn-lg">Go To Next Step</a>      </div>      <div id="step-3" class="card-body text-center p-5">         <h3 class="my-3">            Step 3         </h3>         <a href="#step-4" class="btn btn-primary mb-3 btn-lg">Go To Next Step</a>      </div>      <div id="step-4" class="card-body text-center p-5">         <h3 class="my-3">            Step 4         </h3>         <a href="#step-1" class="btn btn-primary mb-3 btn-lg">Go To Next Step</a>      </div>   </div></div>