Boxed layout options
Boxed layout backgrounds
Color schemes

More color schemes will be available soon!

Typography Beside the standard typography options that any app must have, you can also create custom elements using the included core helper classes.

Heading H4 with icon This is an example description for the heading with icon. You can use the color helper classes to style any way you want both the actual heading and the icon.

Heading H5 with icon This is an example description for the heading with icon. You can use the color helper classes to style any way you want both the actual heading and the icon.

Heading H4 with custom style This is an example description for the heading with icon. You can use the color helper classes to style any way you want both the actual heading and the icon.

Heading H4 with custom style This is an example description for the heading with icon. You can use the color helper classes to style any way you want both the actual heading and the icon.

Heading H1

Heading H2

Heading H3

Heading H4

Heading H5
Heading H6

Heading H1 Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet

Heading H2 Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet

Heading H3 Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet

Heading H4 Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet

Heading H5 Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet
Heading H6 Lorem ipsum dolor sic amet